Hottest by Preferred Fragrance; Impression of Beyonce’s Heat

So here is another perfume by the knock off brand Preferred Fragrance. Some of their fragrances really do smell very close or almost exact to what they are an impression of and some really do not. I have been very impressed with and surprised at times with the quality of their perfumes and this happens to be one of those fragrances.

Around Christmas time I found a sample size of Hottest at Family Dollar for $1.00. The sample size contains the sample perfume and a small body lotion. It smelled so amazing that I had to purchase the full size bottle when I saw it at Big Lots for $3.50. I did not even bother to take it out and smell it because I would assume they would smell the same right? Wrong. Don’t get me wrong the full size and sample both smell amazing and I love them both but they did not smell the same for some reason. I am not sure why but I do think it is important for people to know to smell these perfumes in the bottle before you buy them so you at least know what you are getting. So the sample size perfume smelled very sweet and fruity which is exactly the kind of perfume I am normally drawn to. The full size bottle (shown on the left) has a spicy, sweet, musky warm smell which I absolutely love for an evening out. It is not a perfume I would really wear during the day but a great date night fragrance. When this perfume dries down a bit it becomes a much more sweet warmth and less spicy.

So when I got the chance to smell the real Beyonce’s Heat a couple of weeks ago, I was excited to find out if they were at all similar scents. I was pretty shocked at just how similar they were. I could not really smell a difference. I sprayed a little on of my arms and when I got home I sprayed my impression on the other. I asked my husband if he could guess which was which and he could not even remotely tell the difference between the two. Now, I am not going to say my husband is the most reliable opinion on this sort of thing lol but I had to agree with him. It really was hard to find a difference although I am sure there is since the notes are not exact. So here are the notes for both perfumes for comparison:

Beyonce’s Heat:

Top notes: red vanilla-orchid, magnolia, neroli and peach

Middle Notes: honeysuckle, almond and musky cream

Base Notes: sequoia wood, tonka and amber


Opens with top notes somewhat peachy with a touch of sweet watermelon. With the addition of purple fig, the opening becomes a delicious Bellini cocktail. Middle and base notes of almond, cashmere musk and amber provide a seductive sensual complimenting warmth to capture your heart and his.

So overall I think this perfume is definitely worth $3.50 if you wanted to try out something similar to Beyonce’s Heat before spending the money for the real thing or if you just want a good date night type perfume. You can find these perfumes at Family Dollar, Big Lots (sometimes), Rainbow (3 for $10) and on Preferred Fragrances website at I am not at all associated with this company by the way I just think they are a great deal. 🙂

Check out my YouTube video for Hottest: